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Finance Director

Jean McGann
P: 763-531-1110

City BudgetThe city council reviews the demand for, and cost of, all its services and prioritizes them in a biennial budget cycle.  It is the city council's responsibility to balance the many competing interests across the community to provide the mix of services funded through the budget that, in their judgment, is in the long-term interest of the whole community.

2025 City Budget
The 2025 Preliminary Levy and Budget was presented during the Sept. 3, 2024 council meetingThe public had an opportunity to comment at this time, and a second opportunity will be offered during an Oct. 1 meeting.

The city council hosted its annual budget public hearing and consider the 2024 property tax levy on Tuesday, Dec. 5, when final approval was made.

• Click here for the 2025 Preliminary City Budget PowerPoint from Sept. 3, 2024.
• Click here to view the 2025 Preliminary City Crystal Budget discussion.

For budget questions, contact the finance director at 763-531-1110 or [email protected].
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